Your friend will stay with you on holiday, but you are unavailable on that date | IELTS Letter


Your friend will stay with you on holiday, but you are unavailable on that date. Write a letter to your friend.

In your letter:
  • apologize for not being able to be there
  • give a reason why you are not available
  • suggest another day for your friend’s visit

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Test no. #19 IELTS General: Letter Writing Practice

20 minutes Time to complete this task.

150 words Minimum words required.

Sample Answer

Dear Martin,

I hope this letter reaches you in the best of spirits. I am so excited that you’re coming to my country, Paris for spending your Christmas holidays. Unfortunately, I will not be able to accommodate your holiday stay as we had originally planned.

I understand how disappointing this must be for you, and I genuinely apologize for any trouble this may cause. The reason for my unavailability is an unforeseen work obligation that I am unable to reschedule. Despite my best efforts to rearrange my commitments, I find myself unable to accommodate my schedule for our planned dates.

I deeply value our time together and am fully committed to making it a meaningful experience for both of us. In light of the unexpected change in plans, I would like to offer an alternative date for your visit. Fortunately, I am available the following week from 3rd January. I sincerely hope this aligns with your schedule as well.

Please know that I am genuinely apologetic for any inconvenience this may have caused. I am eagerly anticipating your visit.

Hope to see you soon.

Warm regards,


  • spirits – supernatural beings or entities; also, the mood or emotional state of a person or group
  • unforeseen – not anticipated or expected; happening unexpectedly
  • obligation – a duty or commitment to fulfill a responsibility
  • commitments – obligations or promises to perform certain actions or tasks
  • accommodate – to provide space or make adjustments for someone or something
  • sincerely – genuinely or honestly; in a way that is heartfelt and without deceit
  • apologetic – expressing regret or remorse; showing a willingness to make amends
  • anticipating – looking forward to or expecting something; preparing for a future event

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