[#10] Women Make Better Parents Than Men | IELTS Writing-2


Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting.

Give reasons for your answers and provide relevant example and experience you might have.

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Test no. #10 IELTS Writing Task 2 Practice

40 minutes Time to complete this task.

250 words Minimum words required.

Sample Answer:

The widely held belief that women being superior in the role of parents to men has been a matter of debate for several generations. In numerous cultures, women have conventionally assumed to be the sole carriers of the primary responsibility of nurturing children. Nevertheless, an increasing amount of research and changing societal values dispute the idea that gender is not a determining factor in parenting capabilities. In this essay, we will analyze the arguments in favor of and against this issue, with a particular emphasis on the notion that exceptional parenting is not limited to a specific gender, but rather relies on individual attributes, and dedication.

The first and foremost reason is that the idea that women possess an innate superiority in parenting compared to men is based upon stereotypes and conventional gender norms. Nevertheless, it is crucial to acknowledge that the role of parenting is not inherently tied to one’s gender as both men and women possess unique qualities and skills that can contribute significantly to the effectiveness of their role as a parent.

Secondly, both mothers and fathers usually expose their offspring to distinct perspectives and apply various methodologies for their upbringing, thereby establishing a comprehensive support structure for their them. For instance, fathers, in particular, serve as a brilliant role models for their children, imparting valuable life lessons on being accountable and compassionate. To exemplify, according to research findings, it has been indicated that children become better individuals by being exposed to a variety of parenting styles.

Additionally, in present-day societies, the unbiased distribution of parental duties between mothers and fathers has gathered significant attention as a result of evolving workforce dynamics and it has emerged as a recognized and beneficial approach for the welfare of children. Moreover, as it fosters gender equality within families, it alleviates parental stress and cultivates a nurturing environment conducive to the emotional well-being and growth of children.

In conclusion, parenting is not a gender-specific role and both men and women can be great parents, therefore, it’s important to recognize this and move towards a more equitable understanding of parental roles for the benefit of families and promote gender equality


  • Conventionally: In a manner that conforms to established customs or practices.
  • Exceptional: Unusually outstanding or remarkable.
  • Individual attributes: Unique characteristics or qualities possessed by a person.
  • Nevertheless: In spite of that; nonetheless.
  • Innate superiority: Inherent excellence or superiority.
  • Acknowledge: Recognize or admit the existence or truth of something.
  • Contribute significantly: Make substantial or noteworthy contributions.
  • Expose: Reveal or make something visible or known.
  • Comprehensive support structure: A complete system of assistance and resources.
  • Methodologies: Systematic approaches or methods used to achieve a particular goal.
  • Compassionate: Showing empathy and concern for others’ suffering.
  • Unbiased distribution: Fair and impartial allocation.
  • Workforce dynamics: Interactions and relationships among employees in a workplace.
  • Fosters: Promotes or encourages the development of.
  • Alleviates: Relieves or lessens the severity of a problem.
  • Conducive: Creating conditions that are favorable for a particular outcome

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