[#8] Solve ever-increasing environmental hazards throughout the world | IELTS Writing-2


To solve ever-increasing environmental hazards throughout the world, the best way is to increase the price of fuel.

What is your opinion on the above assumption?

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Test no. #8 IELTS Writing Task 2 Practice

40 minutes Time to complete this task.

250 words Minimum words required.

Sample Answer:

It is generally advocated that raising the price of fuel is the most effective approach for mitigating the escalating environmental hazards worldwide. Although this method may prove to be fruitful in certain aspects, these issues can be curbed proficiently with a combination of strategies and policies.

Decline in the consumption of fuel is the most apparent reason why the policy of fuel pricing can be a efficient way to save the world from ever-increasing environmental hazards. To explain, as fuel prices will upsurge, consumers are more likely to prefer fuel-efficient vehicles, carpooling, and public transportation. In this way, the demand for fossil fuels will be reduced, leading to a drop in carbon emissions and air pollution.

Conversely, considering the economic and social repercussions of escalating fuel prices is extremely crucial. To substantiate, this approach can significantly impact individuals belonging to below-average income who may find alternative transportation methods less accessible. Additionally, transport and manufacturing sectors are majorly reliant on fossil fuels and increasing price of fuel would also increase their production costs, ultimately resulting in higher prices for products and services. In the long term, this would pave its way to economic instability and social disparities.

Undoubtedly, making fuel expensive is a valuable solution for resolving environmental issues, a comprehensive solution including promoting substitute sources of energy, improving energy efficiency and implementing regulations that encourage sustainable practices in various sectors is required. In addition to this, dealing with environmental hazards demands radical measures such as international cooperation, protocols and agreements.

To recapitulate from the above discourse of discussion, it can be deduced that while increasing fuel prices can effectively encourage sustainable behaviour and cause a drop in carbon emissions, it be potentially detrimental for the vulnerable sections of the society from a socio-economic point of view.


  • Advocated: Supported or recommended a particular action, idea, or policy.
  • Mitigating: Alleviating or reducing the severity or impact of something, typically a problem or risk.
  • Escalating: Increasing in intensity, extent, or seriousness.
  • Hazards: Potential sources of danger or harm.
  • Curbed: Restrained or limited, often to control or reduce something undesirable.
  • Proficiently: Skilled or capable in performing a task or activity.
  • Upsurge: A sudden and substantial increase or rise, typically in a particular phenomenon or activity.
  • Carpooling: The practice of sharing a car with others, typically for commuting, to reduce individual travel costs and environmental impact.
  • Emissions: The release of substances or pollutants into the environment, often referring to gases or particles released into the air.
  • Repercussions: Unintended or indirect consequences or effects of an action or event.
  • Reliant: Dependent on or trusting in something or someone for support or assistance.
  • Disparities: Inequalities or differences, often referring to disparities in wealth, opportunities, or outcomes.
  • Substitute: To replace one thing or person with another as an alternative.
  • Sustainable: Capable of being maintained or continued over the long term without causing harm to the environment or depleting resources.
  • Radical: Extreme or fundamental in nature, often suggesting a departure from conventional or established norms.
  • Protocols: Established rules or procedures governing how something should be done, often in a formal or technical context.
  • Recapitulate: To summarize or review the main points or events.
  • Detrimental: Harmful or damaging to something or someone.
  • Vulnerable: Susceptible to harm, danger, or attack, often due to weaknesses or lack of protection.

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