Sister has asked you to organize the music for her wedding | IELTS Letter


Your sister has asked you to organize the music for her wedding at the end of next month. Write a letter to your friend who is an amateur musician.

In your letter:
  • ask your friend to perform at the wedding
  • describe why he/she would be suitable for this event
  • explain how your friend will be compensated if they agree

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Test no. #17 IELTS General: Letter Writing Practice

20 minutes Time to complete this task.

150 words Minimum words required.

Sample Answer:

Dear Jackson,

I hope this message finds you in good spirits. It’s been a short time we last saw each other; it feels much longer.

I have a proposal to share with you and I sincerely hope you’ll consider being a part of it. My sister’s wedding is coming up at the end of next month and we would be honored to have you grace the event with your musical talents.

Your exceptional skills make you the perfect fit for this occasion. Your ability to enchant an audience with your melodious songs would contribute to creating an unforgettable atmosphere. With guests of all ages attending, your versatility will be crucial in ensuring that everyone thoroughly enjoys the festivities.

Regarding compensation, we are willing to cover any expenses associated with your performance. I recognize the dedication required on your part and want to ensure that you feel appropriately valued for your contribution to my sister’s special day.

It would be an incredible honor if you could join us for this momentous occasion. Please get back to me at your convenience to confirm your availability and interest.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,


  • Grace: Elegance and poise in movement or demeanor.
  • Exceptional: Unusually outstanding or remarkable in quality.
  • Skills: Proficiency or competence in a particular area.
  • Melodious: Pleasant and harmonious in sound.
  • Unforgettable: Impossible to forget; leaving a lasting impression.
  • Atmosphere: The overall mood or feeling in a specific environment.
  • Versatility: The ability to adapt and perform well in various tasks or roles.
  • Compensation: Something given or received in return for services, effort, or loss.
  • Appropriately: In a manner suitable for the situation or context.
  • Incredible: Unbelievable or extraordinary; difficult to believe.
  • Momentous: Highly significant or important, especially in history or events.

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