[#27] People in many countries are spending more time away from their families | IELTS Writing-2


People in many countries are spending more and more time away from their families. Why is this happening? How does this affect people and their families?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

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Test no. #27 IELTS Writing Task 2 Practice

40 minutes Time to complete this task.

250 words Minimum words required.

Sample Answer:

In our modern world, there is a significant surge in the amount of time people spend away from their loved ones. This is due to a range of factors that influence work dynamics, societal norms, and personal preferences. However, it has a profound negative impact on individuals and their families.

First and foremost, the changing landscape of the workforce is a main contributor to the increased time spent away from families. To explain, across many countries, there has been a transition from traditional 9-to-5 employment to more flexible work options, resulting in individuals devoting longer hours to their careers. Undoubtedly, societal pressures and personal choices have a significant impact on this phenomenon. In other words, people flock to urban centers and pursue career opportunities, creating physical barriers between loved ones. Moreover, the rise of technology has paradoxically led to emotional detachment. As individuals become immersed in their digital lives, they may spend less quality time with their families, leading to a sense of disconnection and distance.

Conversely, spending an increased amount of time apart from loved ones can have a variety of consequences. The strain on relationships and lack of emotional connectedness between family members is one major effect. When separated physically, there is a decrease in face-to-face interactions which can result into a sense of isolation, loneliness, and a weakened bonds among the family members. Apart from this, the constant demands of a demanding job, coupled with frequent travel, can result in exhaustion and heightened levels of anxiety.

To conclude, the noticeable surge in the amount of time people spend away from their loved ones is a multifaceted issue influenced by changes in work dynamics, societal norms, and personal preferences. Whereas, this trend has considerable hurdles for individuals and their families, affecting bonds, mental health, and the overall foundation of familial ties.


  • surge: a sudden and powerful increase
  • work dynamics: the interpersonal relationships and interactions within a workplace
  • societal norms: shared expectations and behaviors accepted by a particular society
  • profound: having deep meaning or significance
  • changing landscape: the evolving and dynamic environment or situation
  • transition: the process of changing from one state or condition to another
  • devoting: giving time, energy, or attention to a particular activity or cause
  • flock: a group of people or animals that are together or move together
  • pursue: to actively seek or strive for a goal or objective
  • barriers: obstacles or hindrances that impede progress
  • paradoxically: in a seemingly contradictory or counterintuitive manner
  • emotional detachment: a state of being emotionally distant or uninvolved
  • immersed: deeply involved or absorbed in a particular activity or environment
  • strain: stress or pressure on someone or something
  • connectedness: the state of being connected or linked
  • isolation: the state of being alone or separated from others
  • loneliness: the feeling of being solitary and lacking companionship
  • coupled: joined or linked together
  • exhaustion: extreme fatigue or weariness
  • heightened: increased or intensified
  • noticeable: easily seen or observed
  • multifaceted: having many aspects or facets
  • hurdles: obstacles or challenges that need to be overcome
  • familial ties: connections or relationships within a family

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