[#11] Parents Are The Best Teachers agree or disagree? | IELTS Writing-2


Do you agree or disagree with the statement. Parents are the best teachers. use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

You should give reasons for your ideas and experiences

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Test no. #11 IELTS Writing Task 2 Practice

40 minutes Time to complete this task.

250 words Minimum words required.

Sample Answer:

The claim that parents are the best educators is one that is frequently debated among sections of the society. Birth givers apparently play a significant role in their children’s education, however in order to determine whether or not they are the ultimate educators, it is crucial to carefully weigh the benefits and limitations of their instructional role. The forthcoming paragraphs will mention factors supporting the crucial contributions of parents in education, while also addressing any potential shortcomings.

Primarily, parents serve as the primary educators of their offspring, assuming the fundamental responsibility of imparting knowledge and life skills from infancy. To substantiate, they play a pivotal role in facilitating the acquisition of language and the development of motor abilities, thereby building the foundation essential for continuous learning throughout one’s life.

Secondarily, parents provide their children with practical life skills that go beyond academic subjects by setting up brilliant real-life examples for them to learn from. To explain, these skills encompass essential abilities such as cooking, financial budgeting, problem-solving, and interpersonal communication, all of which hold immense value for achieving success in the real world.

Although parents demonstrate proficiency in various domains, they may not possess expertise in all academic subjects. In specialized fields, professional educators may be more proficient at delivering comprehensive instructions for achieving learning objectives. Educational institutions provide avenues for children to engage with their peers, thereby promoting essential social competencies, and collaborative abilities, and cultivating an acceptance of diversity. Depending solely on parental guidance may result in a dearth of such social abilities essential for interaction with the real world.

To recapitulate from the above discourse of discussion, it can be deduced that undoubtedly parents are crucial educators in their children’s lives for imparting early education and inculcating moral values along with practical life skills, a well-rounded approach that combines parental guidance with formal education is often the most effective for the holistic development to young individuals


  • Frequently debated: Topics that are often discussed or argued about.
  • Apparently: Evidently or seemingly.
  • Ultimate educators: The most important or influential individuals responsible for teaching and guiding others.
  • Potential shortcomings: Possible weaknesses or disadvantages.
  • Infancy: The early stage or beginning of something.
  • Substantiate: Provide evidence or proof to support a claim.
  • Pivotal role: A critical and central function.
  • Acquisition: The process of gaining or obtaining something.
  • Motor abilities: Physical skills related to movement and coordination.
  • Encompass: Include or cover a wide range.
  • Immense value: Great significance or worth.
  • Possess: Have or own something.
  • Comprehensive instructions: Detailed and thorough guidance.
  • Avenues: Various paths or options.
  • Social competencies: Skills related to interacting effectively with others.
  • Cultivate: Nurture or develop.
  • Solely: Exclusively or only.
  • Dearth: Scarcity or shortage of something.
  • Recapitulate: Summarize or review.
  • Deduced: Draw a conclusion based on evidence or reasoning.
  • Imparting: Sharing or conveying knowledge.
  • Inculcating: Instilling values or principles.
  • Holistic development: Overall growth and progress in all aspects of life

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