[#25] Nowadays children have too much freedom | IELTS Writing-2


Some people think that nowadays children have too much freedom. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

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Test no. #25 IELTS Writing Task 2 Practice

40 minutes Time to complete this task.

250 words Minimum words required.

Sample Answer:

In the contemporary era, it is believed by a section of society that juveniles enjoy an excessive amount of freedom. In my opinion, this is a subjective matter, and an equitable approach is crucial for their all-inclusive development.

On the one hand, when children are given the chance to make choices, learn from their experiences, and explore their interests, they can develop crucial life skills and gain a sense of independence and self-expression. Additionally, this freedom allows them to adapt to the constantly evolving technological landscape. To explain, by responsibly using technology under moderate autonomy, teenagers can learn important skills that will prepare them for the complexities of the modern world.

On the other hand, it is essential to recognize the potential drawbacks that come with unlimited liberty. In other words, without proper direction, excessive freedom can result in a lack of control or an inability to differentiate right from wrong. For instance, unrestricted access to the internet can expose young individuals to potentially harmful information and interactions.

According to my perspective, finding a healthy equilibrium between freedom and guidance can lead to favorable results. To substantiate, when children are able to freely express themselves, make appropriate choices, and gain valuable lessons from both successes and failures, they often develop a strong sense of responsibility and self-assurance.

To conclude, the issue of whether children possess an excessive amount of freedom heavily relies on the situation and the way in which that freedom is bestowed upon them. Striking a harmonious balance between promoting self-sufficiency and offering suitable guidance and monitoring is vital to the holistic growth of the youth.


  • contemporary era: The current period of time marked by modern trends and developments.
  • juveniles: Individuals who are legally considered minors or young people.
  • excessive: Going beyond the usual or reasonable limits.
  • subjective matter: A topic open to personal interpretation or opinion.
  • equitable approach: Fair and just treatment or distribution.
  • crucial: Extremely important or essential.
  • all-inclusive development: Comprehensive progress that encompasses various aspects.
  • technological landscape: The overall picture of technology and its advancements in a specific context.
  • moderate autonomy: Having a reasonable degree of independence or self-governance.
  • potential drawbacks: Possible disadvantages or negative aspects.
  • unlimited liberty: Complete freedom without restrictions.
  • unrestricted access: Having no limitations or barriers to entry.
  • expose: To make something visible or reveal it.
  • potentially harmful: Capable of causing harm or negative effects.
  • healthy equilibrium: A balanced and optimal state of well-being.
  • valuable lessons: Important insights or knowledge gained from experiences.
  • self-assurance: Confidence in oneself and one’s abilities.
  • relies: Depends on or trusts in something.
  • bestowed: Given or granted.
  • Striking: Attracting attention due to its remarkable or impressive nature.
  • harmonious balance: A state of peaceful and balanced coexistence.
  • self-sufficiency: The ability to fulfill one’s needs without external assistance.
  • holistic growth: Comprehensive and integrated development across various dimensions.

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