[#4] Not everything that is learned is contained in books – IELTS Writing-2


It is said that “Not everything that is learned is contained in books”. Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books.

In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?

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Test no. #4 IELTS Writing Task 2 Practice

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250 words Minimum words required.

Sample Answer:

Knowledge is a valuable asset in today’s fast-paced world, and can be obtained from multifarious sources. The age-old argument over which type of education is more important, book learning or experiential learning continues to be a matter of contention. This essay will contrast and compare knowledge learned from experience with knowledge learned from books and investigate why, in my opinion, one may be more significant than the other.

First and foremost, books provide an ample repository of information on an extensive variety of subjects. To justify, readers can explore in-depth justifications, hypotheses, and historical viewpoints, making books a vital resource for comprehensive analysis about particular topics. Experiential learning, on the other hand, offers a more practical and hands-on understanding of a subject, enabling people to put their theoretical knowledge into practice in actual circumstances.

Secondly, real-life experiences can provide context and individualization that books might not. To elaborate, they offer a broad framework of knowledge, but it frequently takes personal experience to apply this knowledge to particular situations Contrarily, applied learning is situation-dependent and highly user-specific. In other words, it enables people to foster a better comprehension of how concepts can be used in various contexts.

To recapitulate from the above discourse of discussion, it can be deduced that application-based knowledge and scholarly information, each have specific advantages and practicalities. One’s objectives, academic discipline, and customized choices all affect how important one is compared to the other. Therefore, both sources should ideally be included in a multi-faceted education because they enhance and complement one another.


  • Valuable asset: Knowledge is a valuable asset in today’s information-driven world.
  • Contention: The debate over the value of experiential learning versus book knowledge continues.
  • Ample repository: Books offer an ample repository of scholarly information on various subjects.
  • Extensive: Books cover an extensive range of topics, providing a wealth of information.
  • In-depth: Books allow for in-depth exploration and understanding of specific subjects.
  • Hypotheses: Books often present theories and hypotheses for comprehensive analysis.
  • Vital: Experiential learning is vital for hands-on, practical knowledge application.
  • Comprehensive analysis: Experiential learning fosters comprehensive analysis in situation-dependent contexts.
  • Context: Experiential learning provides a context for applied learning.
  • Individualization: Experiential learning allows for user-specific, customized choices.
  • Applied learning: Experiential learning emphasizes applied knowledge for real-life practicalities.
  • Situation-dependent: The effectiveness of experiential learning is often situation-dependent.
  • User-specific: Experiential learning is user-specific and tailored to individual needs.
  • Foster: Experiential learning fosters adaptability and problem-solving skills.
  • Application-based knowledge: Experiential learning focuses on knowledge that can be applied in real-world scenarios.
  • Scholarly information: Books provide scholarly information from experts in various academic disciplines.
  • Practicalities: Experiential learning addresses the practicalities of hands-on learning.
  • Objectives: The choice between book knowledge and experiential learning depends on individual objectives.
  • Academic discipline: Books are crucial for structured knowledge acquisition in specific academic disciplines.
  • Customized choices: Experiential learning offers customized choices for multi-faceted knowledge acquisition.
  • Complement: Both sources, book knowledge and experiential learning, complement each other in a well-rounded education.

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