[#22] News editors decide what to broadcast on television | IELTS Writing-2


News editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to print in newspapers. What factors do you think influence these decisions? Do we become used to bad news?

Would it be better if more good news was reported?

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Test no. #22 IELTS Writing Task 2 Practice

40 minutes Time to complete this task.

250 words Minimum words required.

Sample Answer:

It is an undeniable fact that editorial managers play a critical role by making choices for the stories to be telecasted on television and published in newspapers. Numerous variables, including the potential implications of the news and viewers’ inclination, affect their decisions which will be discussed in the subsequent paragraphs.

Firstly, when choosing narratives for release, news editors are influenced by a variety of factors. To justify, editors focus on themes that can enlighten and inspire change in order to cover topics that are of common welfare. Moreover, editors must take into account the wants and preferences of their audience preferences. Not only this, they are also influenced by financial considerations, such as competition for viewership and market share.

Secondly, it’s important to consider whether the general public has become used to receiving unfortunate reports. To substantiate, the press usually covers emergencies, catastrophes, and disputes, which results in an overabundance of unfavorable information. As a result, people may become numb to this constant barrage of bad news, leading to a reduction in willingness to discuss pressing issues.

Apart from this, the question of whether it would be advantageous to report more positive news is a topic of growing discussion. In other words, concentrating on uplifting narratives can provide a more balanced perspective of the world while unpleasant information can bring attention to issues. The audience can be encouraged and inspired by hearing about solutions, powerful deeds of kindness, and advancements in diverse domains.

In conclusion, undoubtedly a variety of interrelated factors influence news editors’ decisions. It is important to consider whether we have developed a tolerance for bad news because it may limit our ability to empathize and take appropriate action. Even though sharing negative news is important for raising awareness, there is value in emphasizing positive news to encourage a positive civilization.


  • Undeniable: Impossible to dispute or deny; unquestionable.
  • Telecasted: Broadcasted or transmitted via television.
  • Variables: Factors or elements that can change or vary.
  • Implications: The potential consequences or effects of a particular action or decision.
  • Inclination: A person’s tendency or preference for a particular course of action or belief.
  • Subsequent: Occurring or coming after in time or order.
  • Narratives: Stories or accounts that describe a series of events or experiences.
  • Enlighten: To provide knowledge or understanding to someone; to inform or educate.
  • Catastrophes: Large-scale disasters or tragic events with significant and often devastating consequences.
  • Overabundance: An excess or surplus of something, usually implying an undesirable quantity.
  • Pressing issues: Urgent and important problems or concerns that require immediate attention.
  • Uplifting narratives: Positive and inspiring stories that boost morale and optimism.
  • Deeds: Actions or accomplishments, often referring to notable or significant achievements.
  • Domains: Specific areas of expertise, knowledge, or activity.
  • Undoubtedly: Without a doubt or question; unquestionably.
  • Empathize: To understand and share the feelings or experiences of another person.
  • Civilization: An advanced state of human society characterized by culture, technology, and organized communities.

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