[#19] More foreign students are going to English-speaking countries | IELTS Writing-2


Nowadays, more and more foreign students are going to English-Speaking countries to learn the “international language – English”. It is undoubtedly true that studying English in an English-speaking country is the best way, but it is not the only way to learn it.

Do you agree or disagree with the above statement?

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Test no. #19 IELTS Writing Task 2 Practice

40 minutes Time to complete this task.

250 words Minimum words required.

Sample Answer:

Foreign students visiting English-speaking nations to study the “international language – English” have become increasingly popular in recent years. Unquestionably, there are significant benefits to learning English by exposure to native speakers, however, in my opinion, this is not the only method to become proficient in this language. The advantages of both viewpoints will be discussed in this essay along with some alternate strategies for improving English fluency.

Primarily, being engaged in an environment where English is predominantly spoken provides opportunities for continuous exposure to it in everyday contexts, improving one’s capacity to comprehend and speak effectively in English. Not only this, Living and studying in an English-speaking nation also gives you the chance to interact with locals, which helps with pronunciation and fluency through regular conversations. Additionally, English-speaking nations give access to a wide selection of educational institutions and programs tailored to master various levels of language skills through which Students gain excellent instruction while also honing their English language abilities.

Conversely, it is crucial to acknowledge that enrolling in school in an English-speaking nation is not the only alternative to becoming fluent in the language. To justify, owing to technological developments, individuals can now conveniently access a multitude of online English learning resources where they can language skills and improve language systems at their own speed with the flexibility and convenience provided by language learning applications, websites, and online courses. Moreover, it is easy for people to immerse themselves in the language at home due to the accessibility of English-language publications, films, and music.

To recapitulate from the above discourse of discussion, it can be deduced that while studying English in a nation where the language is spoken has indisputable benefits, it is not the sole way to become proficient in this global language. For those looking for alternatives, there are accessible internet resources, well-organized language programs, and other options and it is essential to recognize that learning English can be accomplished through a variety of channels that can meet various requirements and aspirations of students all over the world.


  • Unquestionably: Without a doubt or beyond dispute.
  • Exposure: The state of being exposed to something, often referring to being in contact with or experiencing something.
  • Primarily: Mainly or chiefly.
  • Predominantly: Mainly or most commonly.
  • Continuous: Uninterrupted or happening without a break.
  • Contexts: The circumstances or situations in which something occurs or is understood.
  • Comprehend: To understand or grasp the meaning of something.
  • Tailored: Customized or designed to fit specific needs or requirements.
  • Honing: The process of refining or improving something, often skills or abilities.
  • Acknowledge: To recognize or admit the existence, truth, or validity of something.
  • Alternative: An option or choice that is different from the usual or traditional one.
  • Multitude: A large number or a great variety of things or people.
  • Immerse: To deeply involve or engage in a particular activity or environment.
  • Recapitulate: To summarize or review the main points or events.
  • Indisputable: Beyond dispute or unquestionable.
  • Sole: The only one or exclusive.
  • Accomplished: Skilled or proficient in a particular activity or field.
  • Aspirations: Ambitions or goals that one hopes to achieve in the future.

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