[#26] Many people work from home using modern technology today| IELTS Writing-2


Many people work from home using modern technology today. Some people think that only the workers benefit from this and not the employers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

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Test no. #26 IELTS Writing Task 2 Practice

40 minutes Time to complete this task.

250 words Minimum words required.

Sample Answer:

The widespread popularity of modern technology in the society has greatly contributed to the rise of remote work. In my opinion, both employees and employers alike can reap significant benefits from this shift towards remote work.

First and foremost, remote work provides workers with added flexibility and a better equilibrium between their job and personal life. To substantiate, this freedom allows employees to customize their work schedule to align with their most productive periods, ultimately leading to increased job contentment and overall happiness.

Alternatively, remote work policies can also bring numerous advantages for employers. One notable perk is the potential for cost reduction in areas such as office space, utilities, and upkeep. By permitting employees to work remotely, businesses can downsize their physical presence and save a considerable amount of money. Additionally, the option for remote work can broaden the pool of talent available to companies, as geographic limitations are minimized. This allows employers to access a more varied range of skills and experiences.

Furthermore, by leveraging virtual collaboration, project management, and communication tools, teams can seamlessly work together regardless of their physical locations. Not only does this benefit employers in terms of streamlined communication and superior project management, but it also results in a significant boost in overall productivity. Apart from this, providing the opportunity for employees to work remotely can greatly contribute to increasing retention and satisfaction among staff, ultimately yielding positive results for their employers.

To conclude, claiming that remote work solely benefits employees ignores the numerous advantages it brings to employers as well. With the rise of technology, the shift towards remote work not only boosts employee well-being, but also offers businesses the chance to increase efficiency, cut expenses, and attract top-notch personnel.


  • widespread popularity – extensive acceptance or recognition among a large audience
  • remote work – employment that allows individuals to perform tasks from a location outside a traditional office setting
  • reap – to obtain or receive a reward or benefit as a consequence of actions or efforts
  • flexibility – the ability to adapt or change easily to different conditions or requirements
  • equilibrium – a state of balance or stability
  • customize – to modify or tailor something according to specific preferences or needs
  • align – to arrange or adjust in a straight line or in a proper position
  • contentment – a state of satisfaction or happiness with one’s circumstances
  • Alternatively – as an alternative or different option
  • notable – deserving attention or recognition due to excellence or significance
  • utilities – services or systems, such as electricity or water supply, essential for daily living
  • upkeep – the maintenance or care necessary to keep something in a good condition
  • downsize – to reduce the size, scale, or number of something, often referring to organizational restructuring
  • broaden – to widen or expand in scope, range, or understanding
  • leveraging – utilizing or maximizing the use of resources to achieve a desired outcome
  • collaboration – the action of working together with others to achieve a common goal
  • seamlessly – smoothly and without interruption or difficulty
  • streamlined – simplified or organized in a way that eliminates unnecessary elements or processes
  • retention – the act of keeping or retaining something
  • yielding – producing or providing a result, output, or return
  • top-notch – of the highest quality or excellence
  • personnel – the employees or workforce of an organization.

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