You bought a magazine and the manager asked readers for their opinions | IELTS Letter


You recently bought a magazine, and its manager asked the readers for their opinions. Write a letter to the manager.

In your letter:
  • give a reason why you chose this magazine
  • explain what you like and dislike about it
  • say what improvement you hope to see in the future

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Question #26
Letter Writing

20 minutes
Time Limit

150 words
Minimum Words

Sample Answer

Dear Sir,

I am writing to extend commendations to you and your team for curating such an engaging and dynamic publication.

My name is Sara Machan. I was shuffling through the pages of certain magazines at the book store and when I saw your magazine named ‘Cosmopolitan’ I was fascinated by its eclectic mix of content spanning from lifestyle and cultural insights to current events that cater to a diverse range of readers.

The quality of the writing and the visually stunning layout of the magazine are especially noteworthy. I have observed that certain sections lack thoroughness and would benefit from more extensive analysis. Furthermore, while I recognize the necessity of advertisements to sustain the magazine financially, I find their frequency and placement to be somewhat hindering to the reading experience.

In the future, I think it would be beneficial to focus on boosting reader engagement, perhaps by involving reader-submitted content or incorporating interactive elements. This would foster a strong community among your readers and bring an added layer of depth to the publication.

I look forward to the upcoming editions of your magazine.

Yours faithfully,
Sara Machan


  • commendations – expressions of approval or praise
  • engaging – capturing attention and maintaining interest
  • dynamic – characterized by constant change and activity
  • spanning from – covering a range of topics or time periods
  • caters – addresses the needs or preferences of a specific audience
  • visually stunning – exceptionally attractive or impressive in appearance
  • noteworthy – deserving attention due to excellence or significance
  • thoroughness – completeness and attention to detail
  • extensive analysis – in-depth examination and study
  • sustain – to support or maintain over a period of time
  • hindering – causing a delay or obstacle

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