[#23] Governments in many countries spend a lot of money on works of art | IELTS Writing-2


Nowadays governments in many countries spend a lot of money on works of art such as paintings to be displayed in public places. Is this a positive or negative development?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

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Test no. #23 IELTS Writing Task 2 Practice

40 minutes Time to complete this task.

250 words Minimum words required.

Sample Answer:

A section of society believes that the allocation of substantial government funds towards the acquisition and display of artwork in public spaces is beneficial, others condemn it as a misuse of public finances. From my perspective, the investment in public art can be deemed as a positive move for multiple reasons discussed in the subsequent paragraphs.

Primarily, investing in art has a profound impact on a nation’s cultural identity and fosters a deep sense of national pride because artistic expressions serve as a mirror that reflects a society’s history, values, and traditions. When governments showcase artworks in public spaces, they create a strong connection between citizens and their cultural heritage. For instance, countries like Italy and France are renowned for their vibrant artistic legacy, and their successful use of public art makes them a tourist hotspot.

Secondarily, the incorporation of public art can greatly enhance the visual charm of urban landscapes. To elaborate, when thoughtfully placed, sculptures, murals, and installations have the power to metamorphose plain public areas into captivating environments. This not only adds to the allure of cities, but also has a significant influence on the emotional state of citizens.

Lastly, investing in art can boost the creative economy. In other words, by funding art projects or endorsing local artists, governments play a crucial role in the growth of the creative industry. This not only leads to job creation but also brings about economic advantages.

To conclude, despite differing perspectives, I firmly support the investment in public art by governments. This practice not only upholds and celebrates cultural roots, but also elevates the overall well-being of citizens, catalyzes the creative economy, and adds to the visual charm of our cities.


  • allocation: The distribution or assignment of resources, funds, or tasks.
  • substantial: Considerable in quantity, size, or importance; significant.
  • acquisition: The act of acquiring or gaining possession of something, such as property or knowledge.
  • condemn: To express strong disapproval or criticism; to declare something as wrong or unacceptable.
  • finances: The management of money, including budgeting, investing, and other monetary activities.
  • perspective: A particular way of viewing or understanding a situation; a point of view.
  • deemed: Regarded or considered in a specific way; judged or evaluated.
  • subsequent: Occurring or coming after in time or order; following.
  • profound: Having deep meaning or significance; intellectually or emotionally deep.
  • fosters: Promotes the growth or development of something; encourages.
  • artistic: Relating to or characteristic of art, creativity, or aesthetics.
  • mirror: A reflective surface, usually glass, that reflects images or light.
  • showcase: Display or exhibit something to its best advantage; a setting to present talents or achievements.
  • heritage: The traditions, values, artifacts, and practices that are passed down from one generation to another.
  • renowned: Widely known and highly esteemed; famous.
  • vibrant: Full of energy, life, and enthusiasm; lively and vigorous.
  • artistic legacy: The lasting impact or contributions of an artist or artistic movement.
  • tourist hotspot: A popular destination for tourists; a place frequently visited by travelers.
  • visual charm: The appeal or attractiveness of something as perceived through sight.
  • urban landscapes: The physical, visual, and structural aspects of a city or town.
  • thoughtfully placed: Positioned or arranged with careful consideration and intention.
  • murals: Large, painted artworks often displayed on walls or surfaces.
  • metamorphose: Undergo a transformation or change in form; to evolve or develop.
  • captivating: Attracting and holding attention; fascinating.
  • allure: The quality of being attractive, charming, or tempting; the power to entice.
  • creative economy: An economic system based on the generation of wealth through creativity and innovation.
  • endorsing: Supporting or approving a person, product, or idea; giving one’s approval.
  • upholds: Supports or maintains, especially in terms of principles or values.
  • catalyzes: Accelerates or facilitates a process or change; acts as a catalyst.
  • visual charm: The aesthetic appeal or attractiveness as perceived through sight

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