[#21] Female leadership can be considered as a better option than male leadership | IELTS Writing-2


World history suggests that violence and conflict were more evident under male leadership than under female leadership. So, for peace to prevail, female leadership can be considered as a better option than male leadership.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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Test no. #21 IELTS Writing Task 2 Practice

40 minutes Time to complete this task.

250 words Minimum words required.

Sample Answer:

It is a matter of debate whether conflict and violence are more noticeable when male leaders are in charge, however, it is important to avoid making generalizations based purely on gender, even if history has seen many instances of violence and conflict linked to male leaders. Numerous variables, such as individual personalities, cultural and societal standards, and historical settings, have an impact on leadership which will be discussed in the following paragraphs with due justification.

The primary factor is that the actions of leaders are greatly influenced by individual personalities. To explain, a leader’s approach to handling conflict and making decisions is influenced by qualities like empathy, communication abilities, risk tolerance, and values. While those with aggressive or rigid tendencies may be prone to conflict, leaders with personalities characterized by empathy and commitment to peaceful values are more likely to seek out diplomatic solutions and prevent violence.

Secondly, leadership approaches to conflict resolution are significantly affected by cultural and societal norms. In other words, the way a leader handles conflicts is influenced by diplomatic norms and historical context. These standards offer an essential framework for leaders to work within, influencing their choices and emphasizing the significance of cultural competence and adaptability in successful leadership.

Furthermore, the legacy of previous conflicts, geopolitical realities, cultural memory, and economic and technological advancement all have a significant impact on how leaders behave historically. To justify, leaders may choose to pursue peaceful diplomacy to protect gains or look to address historical resentments through conflict as they learn from history and navigate within the context of their nation’s past.

In conclusion, a variety of personal characteristics, cultural norms, historical background, and other factors influence leadership behavior. Regardless of gender or origin, it is essential to support leaders who have traits like empathy and adaptability in order to promote peaceful leadership.


  • Generalizations: Broad statements or conclusions that apply to a group or category as a whole.
  • Numerous: A large quantity or many in number.
  • Variables: Factors or elements that can change or vary, often affecting outcomes in experiments or situations.
  • Empathy: The ability to understand and share the feelings or perspectives of others.
  • Tolerance: The capacity to accept or endure differences or the existence of opinions and behaviors that differ from one’s own.
  • Aggressive: Characterized by forceful or assertive behavior or a tendency to initiate conflict.
  • Tendencies: Inclinations or predispositions toward certain actions, behaviors, or characteristics.
  • Diplomatic: Relating to the skillful handling of negotiations and international relations or the ability to resolve disputes tactfully.
  • Norms: Accepted standards or rules of behavior within a society, group, or culture.
  • Framework: A structured or organized system that provides a basis for understanding or approaching a problem or concept.
  • Competence: The ability and skill to perform tasks or duties effectively and proficiently.
  • Adaptability: The capacity to adjust or change in response to new conditions or circumstances.
  • Geopolitical: Relating to the influence and interactions of political and geographical factors on international relations.
  • Resentments: Bitter feelings of anger or displeasure resulting from perceived wrongdoing or mistreatment.

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