[#17] Fatherhood ought to be emphasized as much as motherhood | IELTS Writing-2


Fatherhood ought to be emphasized as much as motherhood. The idea that women are solely responsible for deciding whether or not to have babies leads on to the idea that they are also responsible for bringing the children up.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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Test no. #17 IELTS Writing Task 2 Practice

40 minutes Time to complete this task.

250 words Minimum words required.

Sample Answer:

It is commonly witnessed that over time, the idea of parenthood has changed dramatically, going beyond conventional gender roles and expectations. However, there is still a pressing requirement for fathers to be valued in society just as highly as motherhood. This essay will analyze the arguments for and against fathers receiving equal attention in order to achieve inclusive parenting and gender equality.

First and foremost, in contemporary culture, highlighting fatherhood means admitting that parenting is a shared responsibility. In other words, fathers are essential to their children’s holistic development since they raise, mentor, and support them emotionally. A case in point, empirical evidence has time and again indicated that juveniles who have positive father participation have enhanced social and cognitive abilities and elevated self-esteem.

Another apparent reason is that deeply ingrained gender stereotypes can be broken by encouraging active fatherhood. To substantiate, the perspective that females ought to make all decisions regarding having and raising children is based on conventional gender standards. However, parental obligations should have abilities and goals as a foundation rather than gender, encouraging males to take on greater childcare responsibilities, and ultimately redefining their roles in the family.

Moreover, it is vital to prioritize paternity in order to achieve gender equality. To justify, equal attention and support for fathers in the parenting domain creates a foundation for more equitable and balanced family dynamics, resulting in forming a more progressive society.

In conclusion, it can be deduced that fatherhood holds equal significance as motherhood as it promotes inclusive parenting and gender equality, and contributes in a child’s upbringing, benefiting the society as a whole in the longer run.


  • Dramatically: In a striking and significant manner.
  • Conventional: Following established customs or practices; traditional.
  • Pressing Requirement: An urgent and essential need or demand.
  • Inclusive Parenting: Parenting that embraces and supports diversity, ensuring equal opportunities and understanding for all children, regardless of their backgrounds.
  • Contemporary: Relating to the present time or the current period.
  • Highlighting: Drawing attention to or emphasizing a particular aspect or point.
  • Holistic Development: The comprehensive and balanced growth of an individual in all aspects, including physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being.
  • Empirical Evidence: Factual information derived from observation, experimentation, or direct experience, often used to support or refute a hypothesis.
  • Juveniles: Individuals who are not yet adults, typically referring to those under the legal age of adulthood.
  • Cognitive Abilities: Mental skills and processes related to knowledge acquisition, reasoning, problem-solving, and memory.
  • Elevated: Raised or lifted to a higher position or level.
  • Self-Esteem: A person’s overall sense of self-worth and value.
  • Apparent: Easily seen, clear, or obvious.
  • Ingrained: Deeply established or firmly fixed, often referring to habits, beliefs, or characteristics.
  • Stereotypes: Widely held but oversimplified and generalized beliefs or ideas about a particular group or category of people.
  • Obligations: Duties, responsibilities, or commitments that one is bound to fulfill.
  • Redefining: Changing or revising the definition, scope, or understanding of something to better reflect current circumstances or perspectives.
  • Paternity: The state or condition of being a father or the legal recognition of a man as a child’s father.
  • Domain: A specific area or field of knowledge, activity, or expertise.
  • Equitable: Fair, just, and characterized by principles of equality and fairness.
  • Progressive: Characterized by an inclination toward positive change, improvement, or reform, often related to social or political matters.

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