[#6] Cricket has become more popular than national sports | IELTS Writing-2


Cricket has become more popular than national sports in the subcontinent countries.

What do you think are the reasons behind this?

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Test no. #6 IELTS Writing Task 2 Practice

40 minutes Time to complete this task.

250 words Minimum words required.

Sample Answer:

In this contemporary era, Cricket’s popularity has gained dominance over national sports in many subcontinent nations. The subsequent paragraphs will discuss multifarious factors contributing to this phenomenon, highlighting why cricket has become the prevalent passion among sports enthusiasts.

The first and foremost reason is that British colonialism left an everlasting impact on the inhabitants of subcontinent. To substantiate, Cricket was initiated in the course of their rule and rapidly established amidst the local dwellers. With the passage of time, it was not only considered as a sport but also became a sign of cross-cultural exchange and was associated with the history. Secondly, people find cricket fascinating because of its flexibility. In other words, various formats can be adapted for playing it, increasing its approachability for individuals belonging to a broader age bracket and competence. Moreover, T20 cricket became predominantly appealing to a significant section of people owing to its shorter durations and increased number of matches.

Thirdly, celebrity status has been bestowed to cricket professionals in the subregion. To explicate, along with athletes, they are also figures representing cultures and inspiration for millions. Not only this, comprehensive media exposure, comprising of broadcasts on big screens, radios and streaming on virtual platforms, adds to their supremacy and reputation. Lastly, peninsular countries have poured substantial monetary resources in cricket amenities, from cutting-edge arenas to training grounds and learning institutions which has given the aspiring youngsters a platform to showcase their talent.

In conclusion, earlier influences, adaptability to the game, media attention and infrastructural development has contributed significantly to the spread of this game throughout the subcontinent and it has bridged the gap between nations and united communities together due to their shared love for cricket.


  • Contemporary era: The current period in history characterized by modern influences and trends.
  • Dominance: The state of being in control or having authority over others.
  • Subsequent: Occurring or coming after something in time or order.
  • Prevalent: Widespread or commonly occurring.
  • Enthusiasts: Individuals who are passionate or highly interested in a particular subject or activity.
  • Everlasting: Enduring indefinitely or lasting forever.
  • Inhabitants: People or organisms living in a specific place.
  • Dwellers: Individuals who reside in a particular location.
  • Fascinating: Extremely interesting or captivating.
  • Flexibility: The ability to adapt or bend easily without breaking.
  • Approachability: The quality of being easily approachable or accessible.
  • Competence: The skill, ability, or capacity to perform a task effectively.
  • Predominantly: Mainly or primarily.
  • Appealing: Attractive or pleasing to the senses or emotions.
  • Explicate: To explain or clarify something in detail.
  • Comprehensive: Thorough and inclusive, covering all aspects.
  • Virtual: Existing or occurring in a digital or simulated environment.
  • Supremacy: The state of being superior or having ultimate authority or power.
  • Substantial: Significant in size, importance, or value.
  • Amenities: Convenient and desirable features or services, often in a specific place.
  • Cutting-edge: At the forefront of technology or innovation.
  • Arenas: Venues or spaces for various events, activities, or competitions.

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