[#28] Some countries invest a significant amount of money in promoting the use of bicycles | IELTS Writing-2


Some countries invest a significant amount of money in promoting the use of bicycles. Why do you think this is the case? Does it have a positive or a negative impact on individuals and the society?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

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Test no. #28 IELTS Writing Task 2 Practice

40 minutes Time to complete this task.

250 words Minimum words required.

Sample Answer:

In recent times, numerous countries have strengthened their efforts to encourage the use of bicycles as an environmentally-conscious means of transportation. This can be attributed to a multitude of reasons which will be discussed in the subsequent paragraphs along with its impact on individuals and society.

Primarily, promoting bicycles is driven by a strong motivation to prioritize environmental sustainability. To explain, bikes are a natural and eco-friendly mode of transportation, aiding in the reduction of harmful carbon emissions and air pollution. In addition to benefiting the environment, investing in bicycle infrastructure is in line with the growing awareness towards healthier living on a worldwide scale. In other words, cycling regularly improves cardiovascular health and overall wellness. As sedentary lifestyles and health problems like obesity and heart disease continue to rise globally, promoting the use of bicycles offers a proactive solution to these issues.

Additionally, not only do bicycles offer various health and environmental advantages, but their promotion also holds a positive effect on society as it helps solve issues such as traffic congestion and urban mobility. By implementing well-developed cycling infrastructure, cities experience a decrease in traffic congestion and an increase in accessibility, resulting in a more effective and sustainable urban transportation system, benefiting both individuals and commercial entities.

In conclusion, by placing an emphasis on environmental sustainability, improved public health, and enhanced urban mobility, prioritizing the promotion of bicycles displays a wise and thoughtful approach as it not only revolutionizes the way people travel, but also cultivates a healthier and more sustainable future for the society as a whole.


  • environmentally-conscious: Mindful of and concerned about the impact of one’s actions on the environment.
  • attributed: Ascribed or credited to a particular cause or source.
  • multitude: A large number or variety of people or things.
  • subsequent: Following in time or order; coming after something else.
  • environmental sustainability: The practice of using resources in a way that preserves the natural environment for future generations.
  • aiding: Providing assistance or support.
  • emissions: The release of gases or substances into the atmosphere, typically as a result of human activities.
  • cardiovascular health: The well-being of the heart and circulatory system.
  • sedentary lifestyles: Lifestyles characterized by a lack of physical activity or exercise.
  • proactive solution: An approach that anticipates and addresses problems before they occur.
  • urban mobility: The ease of movement within urban areas, often referring to transportation systems.
  • accessibility: The quality of being easily reached, entered, or used.
  • sustainable: Capable of being maintained or continued over the long term without harming the environment.
  • entities: Real or distinct existence, often referring to organizations or individuals.
  • thoughtful approach: A considerate and careful way of dealing with a situation or problem.
  • revolutionizes: Brings about a radical and significant change or innovation.
  • cultivates: Promotes and encourages the development or growth of something.

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