[#7] Compare advantages and disadvantages of three media for communicating information | IELTS Writing-2


Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as media for communicating information. State which three you consider the most effective.

Comics, books, radio, television, film, theatre

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

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Test no. #7 IELTS Writing Task 2 Practice

40 minutes Time to complete this task.

250 words Minimum words required.

Sample Answer:

It is commonly witnessed that multifarious sources of media are used to disseminate information to various audiences in the information-driven world of today. The benefits and drawbacks of five different media—comics, books, television, film, and theatre—will be compared and contrasted in the subsequent paragraphs.

First and foremost, comics have evolved in popularity because of their distinctive mix of text and images. In other words, their benefits come from their artistic expression, visual attractiveness, and reachability to substantial readers. Nevertheless, for some demographics, comics might not always be the best medium for informational communication, especially for highly technical information.

Secondly, books have been a principal source of getting insights and entertainment for generations. To explain, they are excellent at providing detailed and thorough coverage of a subject. They also serve as an important medium for independent learning due to their ease of carrying and usability. Conversely, the drawbacks of books include their time-intensive nature and accessibility issues for some people.

Lastly, television has transformed media dissemination by fusing visual and auditory elements. To elaborate, a wide viewership, the capacity to express both facts and immediate feedback are some of its benefits. The dissemination headlines, current affairs, and live feed via television is remarkably impactful. Contrarily, short- lived engagement, one-sided communication, and commercial breaks can be thought of as drawbacks, though.

In conclusion, selecting the appropriate medium to transmit information in the wide array of communication methods is essential. Undoubtedly, each medium has specific benefits and drawbacks, whereas books, television, and film stand out as three highly effective media for their distinctive strengths in sustaining audience interest and portraying sentiments.


  • Multifarious: Diverse in many aspects.
  • Disseminate: Distribute or spread widely.
  • Information-driven world: A world where information plays a central role in various aspects of life.
  • Contrasted: Compared and highlighted differences.
  • Distinctive: Unique and easily recognizable.
  • Artistic expression: The creative conveyance of ideas or emotions through art.
  • Visual attractiveness: The appeal of visual elements.
  • Reachability: The ability to be easily accessed or reached.
  • Substantial readers: A significant number of people who read.
  • Demographics: The statistical data relating to a population.
  • Insights: Valuable or profound understandings.
  • Thorough: Comprehensive and detailed.
  • Usability: The degree to which something is practical or user-friendly.
  • Accessibility: The ease of reaching or using something.
  • Fusing: Combining or blending together.
  • Auditory elements: Sound-related components.
  • Viewership: The number of viewers or the act of watching.
  • Remarkably impactful: Having a significant and notable effect.
  • Transmit: To send or pass on.
  • Array: A wide range or collection of something.
  • Sustaining: Maintaining or continuing over time.
  • Portraying: Representing or depicting.
  • Sentiments: Emotions or feelings.

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